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Bulldog looking out the window of a semi-truck January 19, 2021 - BY EagleLogistics LLC

If you’re over the age of 40, you fell in love with Basset Hounds watching Smokey and the Bandit, seeing Jerry Reed’s dog Fred bouncing along with him rumbling down the road. We loved the relationship because they were a team - partners in crime. You could tell from the smile on Jerry’s face that his character was content. At Eagle Logistics, we understand the human need for companionship and even touch that are often unmet on the road. Because of these and many other positive effects, we encourage truck driving with a dog or cat. We even keep treats in the office!

Let’s look at some of those benefits:

  1. YOUR HEALTH. Pets require exercise, which makes you exercise. They need breaks, you need breaks. They need to eat and drink regularly, so do you. It’s no wonder that statistically people with pets live longer than those who do not have pets. According to the National Institutes of Health, the effects are especially good for the heart. 
  2. YOUR EMOTIONS. When you have a bond with an animal, especially a dog, you have someone that is always on your side and always has your back. Cats, not so much, but whatever. Cats can make you feel like you’re part of an elite, smug society, we suppose. With either one, though, rates of depression and anxiety are lower for pet owners.  
  3. TOUCH AND COMPANIONSHIP. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, companionship and belonging are barely lesser than survival needs like food and water, and then physical safety. Connectedness is that critical and pets can meet those needs. Heck, with the right pupper, you can even get kisses. 
  4. SAFETY. Beyond some safety from health concerns, animals also keep you alert because you have movement near you and also someone to talk to. They will listen to you responding to talk radio hosts, celebrating with sport play-by-plays, wailing your favorite songs, and rehearsing what you’re going to tell the Highway Patrol when you get pulled over. 
  5. YOUR SWAG. Rolling up to a gas station with a doggo perched on the passenger seat is a hard core flex. Every person immediately wants to know about your little friend. You do your business and then bounce out of there like a boss, leaving the onlookers looking on unsatisfied. 

Truck driving with dogs and cats are good for your health and quality of life. Eagle Logistics gives a darn about our friends and drivers. For a small fee, our drivers are encouraged to take advantage of all the benefits of keeping a pet on the road. Contact us. You won’t be a number here. We promise!